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Lauren LaRocca
Jul 27, 20195 min read
Interlude: Silence, speaking, and tears
There is so much silence, so many days and weeks filled with its lush richness, that I begin to notice how frivolous people are with words.

Lauren LaRocca
Jul 26, 20195 min read
Magical place, magical people: Meeting Marcia and Guy Wood in Angel Fire
I was on my way to the home of Marcia and Guy Wood, lifelong journalists who came to live in Angel Fire about 35 years ago.

Lauren LaRocca
Jul 24, 20196 min read
New Mexico is my spiritual home
People are put on your path for a reason, and if you understand the reason and embrace it, you’ll meet more people who you’re meant to meet.

Lauren LaRocca
Jul 16, 20195 min read
Austin: city and country
Mercury retrogrades bring reunion. They bring back into your life the people, places, and things that need revisited.

Lauren LaRocca
Jul 5, 20193 min read
Life accelerated
Life on the road is accelerated, a tightly-bound series of vignettes, strung together within a matter of weeks.

Lauren LaRocca
Jun 19, 20194 min read
Outer Banks Part I. Being in the company of people, turns out, is not always terrible.
When I arrived, everyone was already making the beach home their home and cooking a dinner of sausage dogs and baked beans.

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