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Lauren LaRocca
Aug 4, 20191 min read
Joshua Tree: Within and without
The desert is expansive. It expands you. It’s as if your soul has more space to fill … and so fills it—widening, stretching, spreading itsel

Lauren LaRocca
Jul 27, 20195 min read
Interlude: Silence, speaking, and tears
There is so much silence, so many days and weeks filled with its lush richness, that I begin to notice how frivolous people are with words.

Lauren LaRocca
Jul 12, 20194 min read
Interlude: This is an experiment
I keep wondering if this whole experiment is just a pipe dream realized for a short time before it gives way to the standard American life.

Lauren LaRocca
Jul 2, 20193 min read
Interlude: Sometimes the light seems too bright, at first
Maybe everyone feels at odds with themselves in their own way.

Lauren LaRocca
Jun 10, 20192 min read
Interlude: Beliefs we live by
How many people do we become—even if we remain, in essence, ourselves? How many versions of ourselves exist?

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